Blog 2017-09-21 1,612 0
As an accompaniment to festive occasions, beer has always been synonymous with revelry and passion. Beer is the cool beverage of quenching and quenching thirst in summer and autumn. It’s also the best partner for a party barbecue.
However, when you have a good drink, you accidentally spill beer on your clothes. This will cause trouble when you wash your clothes. How to wash the beer stains on your clothes? Our washing powder will be your best choice.
If beer down on clothes, will form the hazel, has a strong smell of besmirch, to clean the beer stains, be careful not to use any soap or detergent, lest make beer stains to finalize the design, the new catch stains such as conditions permit, shall be immediately into the clean water and rub off.
The shorter the stain stays on the garment, the easier it will be to remove it. Stain on the other hand, the type, size, and material will affect the scouring effect of clothing. I suggest you can try to Ariel, clean such as new laundry detergent, contain stain autolyzed technology, can remove dry besmirch, and mild nature, easy to dissolve and rinse, can caress fabric color.
For the beer besmirch, the advice can take the appropriate amount of laundry detergent daub on besmirching place, static set 5 minutes or so to undertake washing can achieve the better clean effect. It is recommended that you can extend the soaking time or cooperate with warm water to make it better.
1. Beer stains of cleaning can’t the first time, we can spray a little on the stain of shaving cream, gently with the toothbrush will bubble brush gold fibers, with a clean cloth wipe off excess foam, reoccupy dips in the cold water in the sponge besmirch wipe clean can.
2. To 1 cup of water to dissolve 1 teaspoon of enzymatic laundry detergent, daub in besmirches place, with the kitchen paper towel or laundry washed out water imbibition of white cloth, reoccupy clear water to rinse clean laundry detergent, final reoccupy clothes can withstand high-temperature washing, can wash the beer stain from his clothes.
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