Blog 2017-08-11 1,530 0
How do many housewives wash their sweaters? Can a sweater be washed with a washing machine? What if the sweater is washed up? What if the sweater shrunk? Such problems, the fabric is different from general clothing, when washing ironing you should pay attention to some problems, let’s do detailed solutions, hopes to solve the problem of sweater how to wash!The best way to clean your sweaters is to take them to the cleaners. You can also wash with water at home.
You should be careful when washing with your hands: Carefully read washing label on the cold ball (please refer to “international laundry care marks”), if can only dry clean laundry, don’t wash them, and if can be washed, you should see the type of wool, to select the appropriate detergent so as not to damage wool.
Colored sweaters should be covered with a wet cloth before cleaning, or wetting the tip of the sweater to determine whether it will fade or not, which should be treated separately.
Pay attention to the water temperature: the wool should be washed in cold water; Blended, acrylic fiber can be used warm water, but don’t let the temperature be higher than 35 degrees Celsius, which can easily make clothes deform. For these types of sweaters, JOBY’s soap products are recommended.
Can not use bleach, for it will make wool line fade and turn yellow. The wool ball’s sweater can be removed with a rubber cloth, scissors or wool.
Try not to wash the sweater with the washing machine, the sweater is easy to deform or shrink. If must use the washing machine to wash the sweaters, you should fold it and put into the laundry bag.
If it is acrylic yarn or man-made fibers to knit, can often be washed or dry-cleaned, but only if it is wool quality is proposed to the dry cleaner, because of the scale structure on wool fiber can produce indigitation, and water caused by contraction, the so-called shrinkage phenomenon, cause the appearance of shortening and the stiff handle. It is not comfortable to wear, worse still, even unable to fit into, and wool clothes after shrinkage are unable to recover, so remember to see the labels marked on the clothes clearly, in order to prevent your loved sweaters from suffering.
Here are three ways to get a shrunken sweater back to some extent.
Pour warm water and shampoo into the basin and soak the shrunk woolen clothes for about two hours. The fabric will soften and return to the original shape.
The shrunk sweater can be turned inside out, spray immediately after ironing, and then extend the part you want, iron in order.
Pour warm water into the basin, drop into a small amount of Moya water, then immerse the sweater, and the soap in the wool will melt. Gently elongate the smaller part of your hand with both hands, then rinse to dry. In the second half of the work, start with the hand, with an iron, can restore the original size.
Colorful Soap product Transparent Laundry Soap Whiten Laundry Soap
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