Blog 2017-08-14 1,379 0
When you come home after a hard day’s work, the first thing you can do is to take a quick shower and get tired with soap or shower gel. Before you know it , the body begins to itch, appeared the phenomenon of rash. The reason is simple, the way of bathing is improper. As a bar soap wholesale, we need to remind everyone of the correct way to take a shower.
The climate is mild, after labor of general intensity, won’t make too much sweat, two or three days take a bath is ok. When bathing, can use soap also can use the body wash, don’t overknead. After taking a bath, be sure to rinse your body with clean water.
In this season, pollen is scattered all over the air, and some people are allergic to pollen. If the skin appears itching, rash and so on allergy, when taking a bath, can no longer use the soap. Because soap has a stimulating effect on the skin, it can aggravate the condition. At this time, you can only wash with water.
Hot weather, the temperature is sometimes can reach 37, 8 degrees Celsius, move a little bit about the sweating like a pig, not to mention those who worked hard at high temperatures, returned home, ready to sweat, even want to take a couple of times on the shower a day. If you use soap and shower gel every time, you can imagine the irritation of the skin. Even if you take a bath every day, you can’t use soap every day. Because soaps and shower gel remove dirt from the skin, it also destroys the skin’s lipid layer. Although wash at that time feel very comfortable, feel to wash away a lot of dirt, but because the skin layer is protective to the skin, it is the natural barrier of skin. After the skin lipid layer is damaged, there will be skin itching, skin rash and other symptoms.
So, the summer bath does not want to use soap every day, can be used every three side, do not rub vigorously in the bath. When appearance of the symptoms such as skin itching, skin rash, want to be used in time to clean water, the symptom serious person also need to be in time to the hospital treatment.
The air is dry, don’t too often bathe, 2 ~ 3 days wash once is ok. It’s also easy to get itchy skin.
This is a season when skin diseases rarely occur, in winter sweat less, shower less, the weather is cold, take a bath about a week. The use of soap is relatively low and the incidence of skin diseases is low.
To protect your skin, start from your side and start with the right bath.
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